Supporting our Leaders

Leader Development Seminar

La Leche League’s fundamental purpose is to provide support and information to parents who are interested in breastfeeding. Our Leaders work very hard to make sure that we are keeping current with new developments in breastfeeding research, and are always fine-tuning our communication skills.

In order to keep our Leaders up to date, La Leche League supports them by offering seminars and workshops to further our learning and tools to help parents. Much the same as professional organizations offer conferences and continuing education to their members. I had the enjoyment of attending my first such seminar this past weekend. I attended several informative sessions on such topics as postpartum depression, allergies and breastfeeding, and diversity and inclusion. I was also fortunate enough to meet one of La Leche League’s founders, Marian Thompson! By supporting our Leaders, La Leche League does its best to support parents and babies.